King of the Nerds 3x05 "Nuclear Nerd Games"
Tonight's episode was a lot of fun, no? Honestly, I love me some games, so an episode dedicated to party games and puzzles is right up my alley. That's right, tonight was all about games. When the two teams were told about the Nerd War, there wasn't a lot of studying or preparing they could do. How do you study for party games when you don't know what they're going to be, exactly?

Anyhow, when it was time for the Nerd War, the two teams were given help by each having a celebrity guest join their teams - for Hooloovoo it was Penn Jillette, and for Smash it was Rachelle Lefevre. I suppose Rachelle gets to be considered a nerd because she's on a Stephen King show and was in Twilight? Doesn't really matter, though, because she actually fits right in.
The War consisted of three rounds. In the first round, each team would give one word clues to their captain, who would then have to guess who they were talking about based on said clues. So, like, saying Star Wars and whatnot is a clue for George Lucas, etc. Hooloovoo chose Ben to guess while Smash chose Colby, and the two teams tied that round. Round two was all about pictionary. Each member of the team would get three minutes to try to get their team to guess whatever nerd related thing they were drawing, ranging from Back to the Future to an invisible jet. Hooloovoo got one more right than Smash in this round, giving them a slight advantage. Finally, in the third round, they had to basically do charades, acting out various nerd things a la Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and The Matrix. Though things were very close once again, Hooloovoo managed to pull out the win.
Which, of course, meant Team Smash had to head into the Nerd Off. And this is where things get interesting. The Secret Six alliance is still in effect, so they want Colby to be the one who goes home. But, they know he's going to be hard to beat, so they decide that they, in Team Smash, will vote Colby into the Nerd Off and leave the decision of who else to send in up to the rest of their team members in Hooloovoo. But, both Heather and Amanda tell the other members that they think Jonathan is the only one who has a chance against Colby.
Well, this gets back to Jonathan via Raychelle, and he decides it's time to take action against the Secret Six in order to save his own skin. He finds Kaitlin and tells her all about the secret alliance and suggests they team up to send either Amanda or Heather in instead of him, creating a new sort of alliance with the two of them plus Raychelle. Now, whether this was actually going to go anywhere was left a mystery until the votes for the Nerd Off.
Team Smash voted in Colby per their earlier agreement. But who does Hooloovoo vote in? Jonathan? No! It's Heather. So Jonathan's plan worked, leaving him to fight another day. That meant Colby and Heather would face off against each other in some kind of puzzle game. Kaitlin pretended to be secretly sabotaging Colby, but in fact she was helping him study how sudoku works because she really wants him to stay.
The Nerd Off itself turned out to be more of a word problem than anything involving sudoku. They had to dig through some barrels of sludge to find letters that they would then unscramble to fit into a saying on the board, with certain special letters in there then answering another puzzle at the bottom. Quite frankly, Colby killed it. They tried to up the drama by making it seem closer, and he did mess up there at the end by misspelling the final puzzle, but Heather wasn't even very close in solving the original jumbled word problem. So it's farewell to Heather.
When Colby was on Jeopardy, I thought he was kind of cocky. I actually took to calling him Eyebrows as he was always doing these crazy things with his eyebrows whenever he was on the show. Seeing him on here, however, has made me like him quite a lot, though. He's pretty funny, and obviously very smart, and though he's confident, I wouldn't say he's necessarily cocky. He's there to compete and he's going to be hard to beat in these challenges that play into his strengths. Now, if it were a pictionary drawing Nerd Off, he might be in trouble.
I think my top three in the competition now are probably Jonathan, Colby and Kaitlin. I kind of like Amanda too, though I'm not sure what her strengths are quite yet? We've already seen that Colby and Kaitlin are hard to beat in the Nerd Offs, and soon enough the team dynamic will be kaput so it will be every person for him or herself. What about you? Who do you want to win?
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