My Favorite New Shows of 2012

My Favorite New Shows of 2012

The year is winding down. Christmas just around the corner. Time for reflection. And stupid, annoying colds. But mostly reflection. Sure.

Like last year, I'm going to share with you my favorite shows that debuted this year. Sadly, this list is much shorter than last year's list. Or maybe that's a good thing. A girl can only handle so many shows at once, after all. I would also like to mention that I became ultra obsessed with the British show Misfits this year, even though it's already on its fourth season, and arguably has not been as good since the end of season two. But that is totally getting into tangent territory. Onto the list!

Arrow cast
Probably my favorite new show, and not just because Stephen Amell looks sort of jaw dropping shirtless. It's actually well done, with a compelling storyline. The best of the new CW shows this season, which maybe isn't saying a lot? But if you are at all into CW shows and haven't watched it, you should.

Last Resort
Granted, this show may not be around much longer, but that doesn't mean it's not any good. It's sort of under the radar, although most people that I talk to have been watching and all have enjoyed it, so I don't know where the disconnect is?

Lots of hype around this show, and for the most part, it delivers. It was a little bit slow in the beginning, and I had my doubts, but it has picked up a lot since then. There's mystery, action, family love, and also it's likely to be around for another season.

Nashville Cast
I have to say that I don't feel compelled to watch this show right away when it's on, but I inevitably enjoy it once I do actually watch. It's pretty soapy, but not in an over-the-top way. I'm not the biggest fan of Hayden Panettiere, but her character has sort of grown on me. Sort of.

Honorable Mention: Go On

I feel as though I'm forgetting something, but I can't place my finger on what. Perhaps some summer cable series I've forgotten about? What about you, what are your new favorites? Or old favorites, for that matter.

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