Pumpkin Reigns Supreme at Thanksgiving!

Pumpkin Reigns Supreme at Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is upon us, if you can believe it. Because Thanksgiving, and this time of year in general, is really a celebration of all things pumpkin, let's take a look at some of my favorite pumpkin recipes, sans pumpkin pie. What's this? No pumpkin pie recipe?! It's true! Everybody has a pumpkin pie recipe. Well, I suppose maybe you don't, but it's right there on your can of pumpkin, isn't it? Yes.

So if you'd like some alternatives to the typical pumpkin pie situation, but still want to get some pumpkin love in, take a look at some of these options. How many times can I say pumpkin in one post? We. Shall. See.

Pumpkin Pie Cake
Pumpkin Pie Cake by freshfromthe.com

I make this pretty much every year. It's super easy, and very delicious, particularly the topping. Some other sites call it different things, so you may have seen it somewhere before. My family always calls it pumpkin pie cake, and forever shall it be named so!

Pumpkin Coffee Cake
Pumpkin Coffee Cake by freshfromthe.com

I really cannot wax poetic about this coffee cake enough. If you want something more of the breakfast variety, this is good to go. That said, it could work just as well for a dessert too. That glaze plus that crumbles of brown sugar stuff make it delectable.

Soft Pumpkin Cookies
Soft Pumpkin Cookies by freshfromthe.com

If you're more of a cookie person, you can't go wrong with these. You can make them plain with some glaze, or add in some chocolate chips. The pumpkin makes them amazingly soft and fluffy.

Caramel Pumpkin Blondies
Pumpkin Caramel Blondies by freshfromthe.com

More of a bar option, with bonus added caramel and chocolate chips. These are pretty ooey-gooey, and if you love yourself some caramel, get on it.

Pumpkin Ice Cream
Pumpkin Ice Cream by freshfromthe.com

It may be getting into the colder months, but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy some ice cream, right? This ice cream is super easy. It doesn't require an ice cream maker or anything! Plus you can add in stuff like nilla wafers or nutella or chocolate chips and make it super fancy.

Vegan Pumpkin Bread
Vegan Pumpkin Bread by freshfromthe.com

Look, I even have a recipe for the Vegans of the world! This bread is actually really good whether you are Vegan or not, actually. Great for breakfast or as a snack, it's actually quite hardy and filling.

That's all I've got for you right now! If you have your own amazing pumpkin recipe, please feel free to leave it in the comments, undoubtedly I will try it. Love me some pumpkin.

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