Supernatural 9x20 "Bloodlines"

Supernatural 9x20 "Bloodlines"

You may have heard some time ago that Supernatural was getting its own spinoff series, Bloodlines. Much like Vampire Diaries did with The Originals, they decided to launch it as a backdoor pilot. For those not on the up and up with the insider lingo, that basically means they launch it within its origin show so as to get the viewers interested. If you had no idea that this was meant as a backdoor pilot, I suspect you would be thinking pretty much along the lines of WTF when watching this episode, yeah?

Recap/Review of Supernatural 9x20 "Bloodlines" by
Cutting off heads just in time, like they do.
Before I get into the recap, and honestly I may not do a full style recap with this one because... well, exactly. Do I care about this spinoff? Will I watch it (if it in fact does make it to series)? I'm pretty much on the side of no right now. This introduction to the new show was a pretty melodramatic outing, brimming with exposition that felt super contrived. Am I alone in this thinking? I don't think I am, honestly. But let me know in the comments if you really liked this episode.

Basically, this dude Ennis goes to take his girl out so he can propose to her, and inadvertently gets caught up in this monster pre-war in Chicago. The girl gets killed, and he sees some weird crap, like funky faces in the mirror. How they ended up in basically a monster restaurant, we can't be sure. You'd think they'd be more exclusive with their clientele. But anyway! Ennis ends up meeting Sam and Dean after they catch wind of the case, and even though they lie to him about the monster sitch at first, eventually they have to come clean when Ennis nearly gets killed by a vampire. Whoops.

So, in short, there are five monster families that reside in Chicago. They each have their own territory. At the top of the episode, one of the shapeshifter sons gets murdered by some mysterious dude. They assume it must be Julian of the werewolf clan because there is such bad blood between them. Julian didn't do it, but he would rather they think he did so he can start a war.

Recap/Review of Supernatural 9x20 "Bloodlines" by
Let's have a melodramatic walk through the woods, shall we?
Meanwhile, dead shifter's brother David comes back to town after hearing of said death, and wants to find out who really did it. This requires him to have a chat with Julian's sister, and his former forbidden love, Violet, which leads to much staring in the eyes and "you didn't show up at the train station, but I did!" shenanigans. Right in the middle of their chat, Violet ends up getting snatched away by whoever did the killing earlier. This leads to David having to team up not only with Ennis, but also with Sam and Dean, who all happened to be hanging around the area when she was taken.

Turns out, the guy who killed David's brother is just a guy whose child was killed, and is looking for revenge. They get the better of him, but Ennis is still pissed that his girl got killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and shoots the dude. Sam and Dean try to warn him off the hunter life (well, more Sam than Dean if we're being honest), but he seems pretty intent on doing it, especially after his supposedly dead father calls him up and tells him not to get involved. Dun dun dun!

David and Violet, meanwhile, share another "how could you!" moment that actually leads to smoochy times. Because, it turns out, Violet only didn't run away with David because his now dead brother showed up to warn her off because they have to keep their bloodlines pure and blah blah. Why she doesn't just tell him that, who knows. Instead she just kisses him and then runs off.

And Sam and Dean drive off into the night after Castiel makes a well-timed phone call saying he's found Metatron or something.

Random Thoughts:

- Why don't these shapeshifters take more time to switch like the others, leaving a pile of goop behind? I'm pretty sure all shifters have been born a shifter, so it's not the difference between being turned and being a natural shifter. Hmm.

- The most egregious exposition came near the end of the episode when Sam asks Ennis if he lives alone, and Ennis straight up says, "Yeah. Sister lives across town. Mom I haven't seen in a while. Dad's dead... killed in the line of duty a few years ago." I actually don't remember what he said exactly about the mom, but it was something like that. I mean, would you really just say all that straight up? Sheesh.

- I mean, it's an interesting concept. But it seemed super dramatic, and without a lot of humor. I know they were trying to get a lot of information across in a short amount of time, but man it felt clunky.

- Let's be honest, there was hardly any Sam and Dean actually in this episode, and a whole lot of new people to try to get us to care about. And I'm not sure I really care about any of them. Then again, I'm getting a bit burnt out on the show in general, so it could just be I'm super critical. What do you think?


Dean: Looks better with a little off the top, don't you think?

David: We shift our shape. It's kind of all there in the name.

Dean: What is this, Godfather with fangs?

Ennis: He's a frickin' Transformer!

Dean: All right, you're with me, Romeo.
David: Sounds good, Buffy.

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